Florence Unveiled

Privacy Policy

BRAGAGNI SILVIA (referred to within this document as ‘The Controller’) seeks to utilise and process the data collected in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country in which they operate.


Within Article 4 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, the following terms are defined:

“Controller”: the physical person, lawful person, public administration or any other entity, association or organisation who, alongside other controllers, concern themselves with the company objectives, personal data handling and other utilisation tools, including security profiling;

“Processor”: the physical person, lawful person, public administration or any other entity, association or organisation concerning themselves with the handling of personal data on behalf of the controller;

“Representatives”: the physical people authorised to carry out data handling operations by the controller or processor;

“Data subjects”: the physical people represented by the personal data.

“Personal data”: any information regarding a person who is identifiable either physically or online, referring particularly to an identifying factor such as: their name, identification number, location, online identification, or one or more characteristics referring to their physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or societal identity.


The personal data controller is: BRAGAGNI SILVIA

Via Carissimi, 59 50127 Firenze


P.I. 06851650488 C.F. BRGSLV71E47D612R

Purpose of data handling and categories for processed data

Data handling is carried out for the following purposes:

Contractual purposes: to fulfil the contract; implementation of legal obligations relating to commercial relationships; implementation of fiscal or accounting obligations; management of clientele; payment of service provided; drafting, printing, packaging and sending out invoices; as well as specific requests by data subjects;

Communication purposes: for sending notices and communicating with data subjects, via traditional automatic information communication systems, particularly including: email, SMS, and other messaging systems;

Data handling procedure and tools

The handling of subjects’ personal data is carried out automatically through computerised and electronic means, with logical organisation and processing of the data, correlated in accordance with the aforementioned purposes and in such a way that guarantees the security and confidentiality of all data and communications. The data may, furthermore, be processed using paper-based methods.

Obligatory and optional nature of data contribution

In relation to the purposes outlined in Clause A of Section 3, data contribution is contractually necessary in order to fulfil said contract. The data subject has the option not to provide personal data; in the case that this data is not communicated, however, it will not be possible to fulfil a contract.

In relation to the personal data handling outlined in Clause B of Section 3, the subject’s consent is obligatory; however, if consent is not provided, it will not be possible to carry out a personalised service.

Data subjects’ rights

In accordance with Article 7,D. of EU Regulation 2016/679, the data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of any personal data relating to them, even if it has not yet been registered, and should be communicated to them in an intelligible manner.

The data subject therefore has the right to obtain confirmation of information relating to:

  • Origin of data collected;

  • Purpose of data handling;

  • Logic of data handling;

  • Means of identification for the controller and processor;

  • The subjects to whom their personal data is communicated.

  • The data subject also has the right to obtain:

  • Updates, corrections or additions to their collected data;

Cancellation, anonymous modification or restricted access to data collected in violation of the law, including those in which data preservation is not necessary in relation to the purpose for which the data was collected or handled;

Certification of the way in which the previous statements have been carried out and communicated to those with whom this data has been shared or distributed, except for cases in which implementation is impossible, or leads to the employment of other means which are blatantly disproportionate in relation to the protected rights of the subject.

The data subject also has the right to oppose, fully or in part:

For legitimate reasons relating to the handling of their personal data, even if applicable to the objective of the data collection;

To the handling of their personal data in the interest of advertising material.

These instances within Article 7 of EU Regulation 2016/679 must be addressed directly to the controller, at: Alternatively, it is possible for the subjects to exercise their rights by sending the relevant information through a recommended A/R, whose address is indicated within the conditions.

Framework of communication

Personal data can be communicated across borders within the European Union.


The information present can be modified over time.

The data will be processed for the necessary time taken to completely fulfil the commercial relationship, and for the following ten years from the date of acquisition.

For more information, we recommend you contact the following address:




Email address: 

Privacy Policy


Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali. Consenso ai sensi dell'Informativa Art.13 del Regolamento UE n. 2016/679: In esecuzione dell'informativa, recante disposizioni a tutela delle persone e degli altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali, il/la Richiedente fornisce il consenso al trattamento dei propri dati personali, per gestire la presente richiesta di informazioni. IN NESSUN CASO i suoi dati saranno ceduti a terzi a qualsiasi titolo.